Vision & Values, School Goal

Our Vision

Our School Goal: 2024/2025 – Focusing on Mindful Teaching & Learning

What Does being Mindful look like at EB?

This year we are focusing on a Social Emotional Learning Goal and we are using the MindUp program to support our teaching & learning.  Our inquiry question is: How will intentionally teaching self-regulation strategies help students manage their emotions to better succeed academically and socially?

  • We learn about resilience. Here is a video to check out and discuss: Resilience Video.  Resilience is built by facing difficult emotions, knowing it’s okay to feel upset, and trusting you’ll feel better. We are discussing these words daily in class.
  • We continue to practice being mindful, noticing how our actions affect others and the classroom.  We are focused on making principled choicesdoing the right thing even when no one is watching.
  • Each day, we emphasize that kindness is a choice and that while it isn’t easy, it’s a choice we can make.

I hope reinforcing this message at home daily and at school will have a positive impact to create a supportive environment between peers, and students with adults.

Some  What does self-regulation look like? – How will this correlation show up academically & socially? – Are we targeting specific emotions? – Look at a small sample group but teach to all – Confidence & consistency with administration on MindUp strategies matters – What does self regulation look like for the adults in the building/for caregivers?